From Good To Great:

Mamas! Learn exactly how to use your 6-figure income for you & your family's life of joy now AND in the future!


I Want IN!



✨ Your family vacations are even better because you know you are not sacraficing your future to enjoy your life now!

✨ You feel relief, knowing you're on track to retire when you want to retire!

✨ You have confidence in your money decisions -- you know exactly how much to put towards investing, saving, & spending to reach your goals!

✨ You've paid off all of your debt, and now you've freed up so much more of your money for your joy-filled non-negotiables!

✨ You have safety and security in your money because you are in control!

✨ You're able to save and invest for your kids!

✨ You enjoy more of your joyful expenses ~ bring on the monthly brunch dates and mani-pedis!


This is what I want for you and more!


And this is what is possible with six months of supportive, personalized one-on-one money coaching.


Schedule your free consultation today to see if we are a good fit to work together to achieve your goals.

Let's Goooo!

You may have already felt someting stirring inside you.


You may have already been feeling the pull towards taking real control of your money --

paying off the debt once and for all,

stacking your savings sky high, not just the minimal savings that sometimes gets transferred back to the checking account anyway,

finally learning about investing because you've been hearing so much about it but never really did anything about it,

and now you're starting to feel like you're ready for this work, for this level up with your money.


You've done the work of growing your salary to six figures, and now you're ready for more growth, ready for the next step level-up. Suddenly, the topic of personal finance is everywhere you look: the books, the shows, the podcasts, hell, you even found your way to me, a money coach! Everything is aligning and rallying around the topic of personal finance for you.


And you might be feeling some resistance, some fear about whether or not you can do it ok for you to dream beyond your high income? Thoughts like "money is the root of all evil" or "rich people are greedy" or "money changes you" may pop up when you begin to have those big dreams. I know because I've thought them too.


But these are limiting money beliefs that are based in fear and prevent you from going after your desires.


You think differently than your family & friends, and you're going against grain of how you were brought up and the things you heard about money growing up. If you heard things that equated wealth with immorality, then it's only natrual for you to not want to desire wealth.


But the kicker is, you wanting to retire early, to travel, to take good care of your kids and family, to live a comfortable life with a house cleaner and a personal trainer, for your kids to want for nothing -- these things are not greedy or bad, and it doesn't make you a bad person for wanting them.


The more you stay focused on what you want and your genuine intentions behind it, the easier it will be to take these steps to reach your desires. You are not someone who wants money to have power over others, that's not you.


Schedule your free consultation to work through your limiting beliefs and finally reach the wealth that is meant for you!

Let's Goooo!

"Monique has given me a new outlook on my relationship with money. Through her teachings, I'm able to see how you can make your money work for you! I am eager to learn more!"


"In February of 2021 one of my vision board pictures came true, my husband and I bought our first home. We were so happy and I was so thankful to Monique for taking the time to share with me her tips and tools she uses to keep herself and family on track for their finances and goals."


💚From no idea how to retire, to on track to retire early as millionaires!

In 2020, hubby & I didn't even have retirement in our mind. We gave no thought to how we would get to the day we no longer have to work for money. Then after kids and realizing just how much time in our days we were spending away from them being "responsible" adults, it hit us like a ton of bricks.

"Shit! We need a change now!" It became painfully urgent for us to figure out a way to no longer work, but to still make income to support our lives.

This is when we got serious.

It started with getting crystal clear and committed to our goal of becoming financially free as soon as possible so we could spend more time doing what we love to do, and less time doing what we have to do.

Our committment to our goals pushed us to grow our retirement investments by $300,000 in less than 5 years. 

This is what is possible when you have the proper guidance and a plan that you are committed to -- you reach heights you didn't even think possible, heights that weren't even on your radar.


💚$100k+ in debt paid off!

Between $42k in student loans, $55k in auto loans, countless dollars in credit cards, and a current mortgage, hubby and I have paid off over $100k+ in debt!

We were tired of our money going to debt payments and wanted our money to go towards our future, so we go serious about paying off our debts.

This is something I teach my clients how to do when we work together one on one. When you work with me one on one, you will get on a path to pay off your debts!


💚From $36k ➡️$336k invested in 4 1/2 years! 

Seriously, y'all! If I didn't experience it myself, I would think I was lying and that this is a scam. But it's real! We went from $36k invested to $336k invested!

We did this by getting a real picture of what our money was doing, how much we were bringing in and how much we were spending. And I mean spending on everything -- including the one-off amazon orders, the lunches at work, the friends' birthday presents, everything.

Then, we cut out the things that weren't bringing us joy and weren't pushing us towards our goal of reaching our first $1M invested & put those dollars towards our investments.


-- A cautionary tale --

In the process of getting more intentional about where we spend our money, we tried (and failed) at living a bare-minimum, frutal life. That shit didn't work and that's something I would not recommend to anyone. I mean, one of the main points of making money is to spend it on the things that make life worth living, am I right?

Don't worry, I'm not going to tell you to cut your lattes, your Netflix, or your nail lady if that's what brings you the most joy!


We have found the balance with our money and now we actually spend more on things that bring us joy -- our kids' activities, vacations, home cleaning services -- all while still meeting our money goals of saving and investing.


Schedule your free consultation to learn how you too can pay off your debt & invest for your future while still enjoying your life!

Learn How Now

Hi, I'm Monique!


I believe Black and Brown women deserve the freedom and relief that comes with financial freedom. I genuinely desire to see Black and Brown women win with money.


Money info can be so confusing and heartless; focusing too much on what you're doing "wrong", and shaming you for it. It is my mission to bring the humanity into money. I don't want to simply teach you the tools to reaching your goals; I want to support you in reaching your big money dreams in a compassionate, judgment-free, shame-free, safe space. 

This is what I'm offering you in personalized one-on-one money coaching! When we work together you will take CONTROL of your money to experience more joy AND meet your financial goals.


We do this in three main steps:

Step 1️⃣:

We assess your current money situation. This looks like very gentle, hand-held, done-with-you review of your bank statements and credit card statements to see exactly where your money is going. Many clients experience extreme hesitation and sometimes tears because they're faced with their spending, all in one place, sometimes for the first tieme ever. But I want you to know that is why I walk you through this phase very closely so you feel supported & encouraged, never shamed, guilted, or judged.

This is an essential step because you can't fix what you don't know exactly what is broken.

Step 2️⃣:

We get clear on what you want your money situation to be -- on why you want money and what you want your money to do for you. This is where the fun and the magic happens, where you get to dream your wildest dreams. No dream or desire is too big or too much! Don't deny yourself the possibility to reach your wildest dream out of fear that it's not achievable before you even try!

Without knowing where you're going, you'll wander around aimlessly and not reach the goals.

Step 3️⃣:

We bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be with an individualized plan crafted to meet your life's needs. This includes when you'll be done paying off your debt, when you'll reach your savings goals, when you'll be able to retire and spend your time doing what you want to do (spend time with your family, mid-day activities, travel, sleep 'til noon, etc.). Not if, but when.

Knowing when you will reach your goals can be an ultimate motivator to keep you on the path to reaching those goals.

As you begin emplimenting your plan, I will be with you every step of the way to support and encourage you to stay committed to yourself and your goals. I will also stick by your side to answer any questions and adjust the plan as needed to ensure your success! Let's make sure to get this plan off the paper and into action!


Your investment: $3,000 for six months of supportive, personalized, one-on-one money coaching from someome who wants to see you WIN! *Payment plans available*


Schedule your free consultation to get your personalized money plan!

Get Your Personalized Plan

"With [Monique's] advice I was able to discover new ways to increase my portfolio. At 42 retirement is around the corner. Now I am a lot more confident in my financial stability for the future."


"Finances have always felt scary and scarce to me, and I wanted to find someone who I felt safe to go to for help. I'm really grateful to have found Monique."


"But Monique, I've tried to get my money in order before..." 

Ok, so you've read the books, you've watched the shows, you've listened to the podcasts, you've been ready for this! And I understand how frustrating it is to find yourself having made no progress after follow the steps you were "supposed" to follow.

I know because I was frustrated too after following the plan that I was convinced would set me up for financial and life success:

Go to college. Get a good job. Make money. Live the life of your dreams.

Those were the steps we're told to follow.... so why was I living paycheck to paycheck, constantly in credit card debt, and had no savings & no plans for the future?

It's because there's a lot missing in that "plan", and the biggest part that's missing is how to manage your money to live a good life today and support your beautiful life in the future.


Because, let's be blunt here: money info that can prosper us has historically been gate kept and available to white men. This is why I am so passionate about educating women of color so they can better manage their money and have their money working and growing for them!


This is what I want to teach you! Schedule your free money consultation to learn what you don't know, and get what you want!

I'm Ready To Learn What I Don't Know

Take Action!

When you work with me as your money coach, we will build your personalized financial plan that allows you to live your most joy-filled life today and plan for your beautiful future.

You Will Get The Tools

to build a life of joy while meeting your financial and life goals.

We Will Make Your Plan

to confidently continue building your dream life long after our time together.

You Will Feel Confident

knowing that you are making the money decisions that are right for you.

Take Action Today

Why is Monique The Money Coach different?


Most likely, the money advise you've received has been based in what you are doing "wrong" and how you need to change to fit a generic mold. But I'm not going to give you the typical, boring, restrictive, generic advise.

Cut back on eating out. Get rid of your credit cards. Pay for your car in cash. Get rid of all debt. Save 20% of your income.

These are some of the things you will NEVER hear me say to just anyone and everyone. Do you know why? Because these are blanket commands that may or may not work for your individual situation.

Instead, I work with you to build your money plan. You are the boss and you decide what's important to you. I show you how to enjoy your life today and plan for your future in three steps:

1. Assess your current money situation. We take a look at where your money story is currently. There is absolutely no pressure to make any adjustments in this state -- we're only spectating here to gain awareness. Working with me, I will never shame, judge, or guilt you around your money and I will encourage you not to shame, judge, or guilt yourself!

2. Map out your dream life. To me, this is the most fun part because here is where you get to dream big! Lay it all out there. What does your perfect life look like? Where do you live? What are you surrounded by? What do you do with your days? Who do you spend time with? You get to lay out your dream life here.

3. Lastly, we connect the two. We build the bridge between where you are now and where you want to be. We map out the plan that will get you to live your dream life! 

Here is where the personalization kicks in big time. Each one of my clients' plan looks entirely different to meet their unique needs and desires. Because no two money situations are the same, so why should the plans be?

The plan is build around you, to work into your life, not the other way around where you have to mold into the confines of the plan.

This is why blanket, generic money statements do not work! Each person's money situation and life dreams are unique, and I bring the humanity into money decisions. I hold a save space for you to grow shame-free, guilt-free, judgement-free. The only thing I want is to see you build the brige between where you are and where you want to be and thrive!


Your investment: $3,000 for six months of supportive, personalized, one-on-one money coaching from someome who cares about YOU! *Payment plans available*


Schedule your free consultation to experience the difference and reach your goals!

Experience The Difference

Get started building your dream life with six months of supportive, personalized one-on-one money coaching!


Today is the day! Let's do this!


Let's Goooo!
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Wanna get started on a more DIY level? 

Get started today with my free Joyful Spending tools.